Winchester PHO Referral Policy
The Winchester Physician Hospital Organization is committed to making sure you get the right care, at the right time, in the right setting if you need to see a specialist. If you and your primary care provider (PCP) determine that you need specialized care, your PCP will refer you to a provider from our high quality, trusted team within our Local Referral Circle. This way, your PCP can coordinate with your specialist and, together, provide you with the greatest degree of collaboration to help you get timely and effective care without the need for an administrative referral authorization.
If you are unable to schedule an appointment with our recommended specialist within a reasonable time, please contact our team in Central Referrals and we will be happy to assist you.
The team at Central Referrals can be reached at: (781) 756-2111
NOTE: If your insurance requires an authorization for specialist services:
Please contact our office at least 10 business days prior to a specialist appointment to allow sufficient time for review and referral processing.
If you feel there is a reason to be seen by a specialist other than the one we have recommended, please make an appointment with our care providers to discuss your concerns.
If your referral is not approved prior to your specialist appointment you may be responsible for payment.