Pearl of Wisdom
The role of the certified diabetes nurse educator is instrumental to a patient understanding and managing their diabetes. The education compliments the clinical information covered by the PCP as the nurse educator has the time to evaluate and assess areas of the patient’s care that require more information for sustainable self-management. The best time to initially see a diabetes nurse educator is when a patient is originally diagnosed with diabetes. Less than 60% of patients with diabetes receive this cost effective resource even though data shows higher compliancy, lower overall medical costs, and improved outcomes. We are thrilled to announce the addition of Diabetes Nurse Educator, Erin Murphy, NP at Montvale Endocrine and Diabetes Center and are confident that she will benefit our patients who are newly diagnosed, non-compliant or require additional education to manage their health.
To refer a patient to Erin Murphy, NP for diabetes education in Epic: AMB Referral to Winchester Diabetes Education